Jim Barnett was born in Pinckneyville, IL and most recently resided in Elkville, IL.
Jim attended schools in Dow, IL, Worden, IL, and graduated from Rosiclare Community High School in Hardin County, IL in 1976.
He is married to Lynette Barnett who also is a pastor. Jim has four children -Heather Barnett (Briar Fortkamp), Rachel Barnett Warner (both of Marion), Bobbi Gore(Andrew) of Rockledge, FL, and Hunter Barnett who is currently attending Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, TX. Jim has 5 grandchildren.
Jim attended Murray State University, Murray, KY and McKendree College in Lebanon, IL where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in the field of Administration of Justice (1980). He received a Master of Theology degree from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (1982).
Jim has served as a Student Pastor at the former Elkville United Methodist Church, Associate Pastor at the St. Paul UMC in Garland, TX and as an Associate Pastor at the First UMC in Olney, IL. Jim has served as pastor of the Chauncey UMC in rural Lawrence County, Carterville UMC, Centralia First UMC, and the Robinson First UMC. Jim’s most recent pastoral appointment was as the pastor of the Pinckneyville First UMC where he served for 16 years. His most recent appointment was serving as a Conference Superintendent serving the Vermilion River District and some assigned congregations in the Illinois River District.
Jim has held various United Methodist Conference roles including Chairperson of the Sites and Facilities Committee for the Conference Camping program, Chair of the Section on Evangelism, Worship and Stewardship, and Chair of the Conference Board of Evangelism. He also served as District Youth Ministries Coordinator and the Conference Coordinator of the Conference Council on Youth Ministries. He has served on various District Committees on Ministry as well as the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
Jim has also been very involved over the years in the Conference Camping Ministries including serving on the Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries, writing curriculum for Aldersgate Youth Institute for several years, and serving for many more as a counselor at camp.
Among other areas of interest, Jim has served on the Citizen’s Advisory Panel for the Marathon Ashland Refinery in Robinson, IL, Supporters of Unit #2 school district referendum, and the Illinois Coalition for Community Services Board. He has served on a Local Area Network group serving counties in east central Illinois. Jim also served on the Robinson Community High School Board of Education.
Jim played key roles in the organization of the Good Samaritan of Richland County and the Summer Food Service Program in Robinson, IL.
Among other areas of interest and participation, Jim has served as the Deputy Director of the Crawford County Emergency Management Agency as well as serving on the Perry County EMA. Jim also served for a number of years as an Auxiliary Police Officer for the Pinckneyville Police Department.
Among his hobbies are woodworking, hunting, fishing, and community involvement. Jim holds two patents with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Emergency Responder Alerting Marker and Method as well as a patent on a Flange Mounted Load Transition Apparatus and Method) both of which he wrote and applied for on his own.